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Spirulina 101: Know Everything About This Superfood



Scrumptious superfoods: 7 delicious spirulina recipes

Spirulina is a microalga typically found in freshwaters and marine systems. It is often referred to as seaweeds and has been a diet source for centuries. Today, healthy lifestyles endorse spirulina as a potent “superfood.” The Aztecs harvest spirulina, or “pond scum” in the Lake of Texcoco. You can also find this food in west-central Africa as the main ingredient for dry cakes.

A superfood is a label for foods that are mostly plant-based, nutritionally dense, and thus healthy for an individual’s overall health. Superfoods consists of a variety of nutrients such as antioxidants, which can help fight off cancer cells.

Where does spirulina come from?

According to a study by cardiovascular therapeutics, spirulina has been consumed for centuries in Central Africa and is now widely used nutraceutical food supplements worldwide. They once classified spirulina in the category of plants due to its vibrant plant pigments and its ability of photosynthesis.

Spirulina grows naturally in alkaline lakes dense with minerals. You can often spot this alga on every continent, especially rivers near volcanoes. The largest concentration of spirulina up today is situated in the lake of Texcoco in Mexico and along Africa in the Great Rift Valley. Also, spirulina is a blue-green alga that they can commercially grow in both fresh and saltwater.

Benefits of Spirulina algae extract

They are selling blue-green algae products as a supplement in the US since the 1970s. It is useful for people with high blood pressure. Spirulina mineral content of high protein and iron is generally absorbed by the body when taken orally. Here are some of its benefits.

  • Consuming spirulina and making it a daily supplement has no notable side effects. It can help a person stay well and feel nourished every day. Spirulina supplementation significantly lowers people’s blood glucose levels. High fasting of sugar levels is a common problem in people with diabetes. It suggests that spirulina diet help people control diabetes.
  • Spirulina positively affects the lowering of your total cholesterol. Fats in your body are susceptible to oxidative damages. Interestingly, spirulina has antioxidants that appear particularly useful in decreasing the chances of serious diseases.
  • Spirulina has anti-cancer Its effect on oral cancer or cancer of the mouth is mainly well studied. 45% of individuals saw their lesions disappear compared to those who took 1 gram of spirulina each day. And when these people stopped consuming spirulina, a fraction of them once again redeveloped lesions.
  • This alga is a popular alternative for allergic rhinitis. It is often known as the inflammation in your nasal passageways. It is usually triggered with environmental allergens such as pollen of a flower, animal fur, and dust. Spirulina dramatically reduces symptoms of nasal discharge, sneezing, itching, and nasal congestion.
  • Certain plant-based foods have antioxidants that help an athlete’s physical activeness. Exercise can also damage your body. Spirulina shows beneficial effects on improving muscle strength and endurance. People who consume spirulina daily benefit from the increase of time they feel fatigued.
  • Reduces levels of triglycerides in athletes that already have optimal levels of triglycerides. It is the type of lipid found in the body that is responsible for releasing stored energy. If you eat food and gain more calories than you burn, you might have a high level of triglycerides.

If you’re planning to have spirulina in your diet, you’re on the right track. You can get spirulina powder from Tropeaka or a reputable health store. Be sure to take it once a day and consult a doctor or follow the instructions precisely to avoid unsafe doses.