5 Low Calorie Foods to Include in your Diet
Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, some highly nutritious foods are deficient in calories and are suitable for everyone. These foods provide fiber, antioxidants, protein, and vitamins and minerals to help anyone upgrade their food intake to be healthier.
Celery has only five calories per stem but is full of nutrition. It also contains phthalides, which are phytochemicals that relax muscle tissue in artery walls, which increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure. It can be eaten in salads, soups, or just as a snack. It can be found throughout the year, but locally grown celery during the summer is the tastiest. The roots, leaves, and seeds can also be used as a seasoning for other foods.
It takes 15 cups of spinach to equal 100 calories. No one is asking you to eat that much, but it is delicious when included raw in a salad or lightly steamed with oil and vinegar dressing. The nutritional list is vast, including calcium, vitamin K, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, and selenium, not to mention a hormone that promotes muscle tissue to repair faster after a workout. No wonder Popeye loved it.
Kiwis are large berries with lots of fiber, vitamin K, vitamin E, calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as more than the recommended daily dose of vitamin C. One kiwi with the skin is 46 calories. It is suitable for a snack, especially for children, and reduces wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and respiratory tract disorders. It is loaded with antioxidants and also works against constipation and other intestinal problems.
Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is a popular low-calorie dairy product. It is high in protein with three grams of protein per ounce. It is also high in sodium, but there are low sodium products available. In one cup of one percent milkfat cottage cheese, there are 163 calories. It contains 12 percent fat, 15 percent carbohydrates, and 73 percent protein. It is a tasty, high protein treat combined with fruit or vegetables that provides a filling, satisfying low-calorie meal. Have it with strawberries and plums, both low-calorie sweet treats. Plums are the one stone fruit that is lowest in calories. Cottage cheese is also good with tomatoes, which are a good source of lycopene.
Flounder is an inexpensive whitefish that is high in protein and low in calories. Four ounces of boneless Flounder has 103 calories and 21 grams of protein. It also gives half of the recommended daily quantity of selenium, as well as lots of vitamin B12. There are 286 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. Flounder can be baked, broiled, steamed, or poached, all of which keep the calories down. It can also be fried in batter, and some recipes claim to be low fat, but if there is oil, the calories will go up. Broiled Flounder with a little lemon butter, salt, and pepper is fabulous and very low in calories.