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Is Weight Loss Boot Camp An Option For You?



Countless diet and weight loss programs promise quick and easy ways to achieve the figure that you want. Drastic lifestyle and health habits changes and commitment (often short-lived) are done and tried to accomplish that seemingly distant goal but to no avail. How about a weight loss boot camp?

Weight loss boot camps are becoming increasingly popular these days.  It is a fitness class run by professional trainers or former military personnel. The term “boot camp” comes under the idea that the people who join weight loss boot camps are put under a strict fitness and exercise program just like going under military training. The program includes different exercise regimens, functional and optimized nutrition, and centers on group work. Exercises are often done outdoors (usually in parks) and in pairs or small groups akin to a military boot camp. Traditionally designed to promote strength and fitness, the exercises are intense and strenuous, which are often on a one-hour interval.

Read: Post Weight Loss Boot Camp (What Is It Like?)

Weight loss boot camp usually start with stretching and running followed by an interval of weight lifting, pulling rubber straps, pushups or sit-ups and various types of intense routines. Sessions often finish with yoga. Other boot camps include using weights that is comparable to a Cross Fit routine, a workout combination of weightlifting, gymnastics, sprinting, rowing, and powerlifting.  These programs do not only promote weight loss, but it also contends the cardiovascular efficiency, stamina, and helps people adopt a regular exercise practice.

One striking benefit of a weight loss boot camp is that it provides social interaction, support, and camaraderie. This is a whole new different environment for people who often spend hours in a gym alone and who usually get bored quickly, thus fail to develop the habit of exercise. Participants make friends, find new camp buddies, and find themselves having new allies in their goal for fitness.

Other benefits include faster attainment of goals because group exercises give you the motivation that you need, and the intense exercise programs are maximized for you to work harder; thus, the results tend to manifest earlier compared to doing your workouts alone.

Because most of these weight loss camps are done in groups, you can save money than paying for hours in the gym or getting a personal trainer. Usually, the more participants in the program, the lesser the fee a participant pay to be part of the group. Aside from saving money, you also get much more value for it as you are exposed and introduced to more kinds of exercises than what you see in a gym.

Aside from making new friends, you will feel a considerable increase in confidence too. You will be able to test out new skills, explore new options, and since the exercises are challenging and strenuous, feeling that your weight goes down after finishing the program will give you a new sense of confidence in dealing with life’s obstacles.

For those who have limited time for physical fitness and weight loss, a weight loss boot camp can be a logical option. Boot camp exercises are highly extensive and large scale, despite the lesser time of working out; you burn more fats than spending long hours on the gym.