The Various Types of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia causes individuals to have unusual emotions and erratic thought patterns. This health condition is classified as a mental disorder with various symptoms. Psychiatrists examine patients who display disorganized thinking, unusual speech, paranoid delusions, and hallucinations. Individuals with this mental disorder may hear strange sounds or see items that do not exist. Most patients are diagnosed as young adults. However, there are children and older adults who develop this condition too. Every patient with this condition has a variation in symptoms that require specialized treatment with prescription medication and therapeutic counseling determined by the results of the schizophrenia test.
Simple Schizophrenia
Medical researchers are still trying to find the exact cause of this mental condition. Studies reveal that neurobiology, childhood environment, and genetics can contribute to the development of this disorder. Within this mental disorder, specialists have categorized various types with slightly different of schizophrenia symptoms. Simple schizophrenia usually starts in early childhood. Patients with this form of mental illness are not social with others including avoiding work and school. In addition, there are symptoms of poor communication, lack of motivation, dulling of emotional responses, and total apathy. A patient with simple schizophrenia does not have delusions or hallucinations, as those with the paranoid subtype do.
Catatonia Schizophrenia
The condition of catatonia is a severe form of schizophrenia that requires immediate medical intervention. There are several forms of catatonia with diverse symptoms. The most common form involves patients not responding to stimuli. A patient does not move, speak, or make eye contact. Occasionally, a catatonic individual will stay in one physical position for hours, days, or weeks. Patients with the stupor symptoms of catatonia schizophrenia appear sleepy or unconscious. Alternatively, an individual may have symptoms of intense excitement, hyperactivity, and agitation. A patient moves around constantly with no purpose or self-control. Medical intervention at an inpatient facility is necessary while the individual undergoes treatment with antipsychotic prescription medication.
Disorganized Schizophrenia
The most diagnosed form of schizophrenia causes distortion of reality for patients. Individuals may see other people, animals, or objects. The hallucinations are very complex while seeming completely real to the individual with this mental disorder. Patients may talk to imaginary people or display other unusual behavior. As an individual with disorganized schizophrenia speaks, the words are often incomprehensible to others. Additional symptoms with disorganized schizophrenia can include a lack of emotions or different facial expressions. Many individuals, although only 1% of the general population according to the statistics of schizophrenia, require lifelong medical treatment and counseling to assist in everyday activities.