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Weight Loss

Why Should I Control My Weight?



How to trim the last stubborn pounds

In a world filled with contradicting ideas, it can be easy to believe false notions especially if these notions cater to our immediate desires or hide our weaknesses. Take for instance weight loss. Essentially, weight loss is a good thing. But many people have begun to view it otherwise.

Many people are starting to view weight loss as the enemy of self-esteem and self-acceptance. Some think that losing and controlling their weight would be going against who they are. And many people stick to these beliefs because these cater to their negative thinking and lack of willpower.

Many people are often paralyzed by their unwillingness to eat right or exercise, afraid that they will only end up in disappointment. And they constantly think that no matter what they do, they will never be able to achieve their goal weight.

Startling Truths

But it is achievable and it has been achieved by so many individuals; not through miracle pills or fad diets, but through regular exercise and a sensible, healthy diet that they’ve maintained. These individuals could not have done any of these things and achieved so much though, if they did not start thinking positively first, and become driven to achieve their goals.

Half the battle of weight loss and weight management is fought in the mind. If you’re still apprehensive about getting rid of those extra kilos, here are the facts you need to know to get that fog of hesitation out of your mind and start getting serious about managing your weight for life.

  • Weight control and weight loss are not about achieving a waif-like figure. Some people have taken weight loss to the extremes, engaging in unhealthy practices just to achieve their desired weight. Many end up with gaunt figures that clearly do not show signs of optimum health. This is not what healthy weight loss is about. If you speak to any health professional, be it a doctor, trainer, or nutritionist, they will tell you that proper weight loss is about achieving a healthy weight, one that is appropriate for your age, height, and stature. It’s also about getting the right nutrition for your body, not getting stick-thin.
  • Weight control is not just about losing weight, it’s about keeping a healthy weight. So weight management is not just for overweight people. Even very thin individuals need to manage their weight and make sure they don’t become underweight or malnourished, as this can have very negative and even fatal effects.
  • People who maintain a healthy weight live longer. According to researches, obesity can take away as much as 20 years from someone’s lifespan. It can increase your risks for endometrial cancer, breast cancer, and a host of other health complications. For those with breast cancer, there is a higher risk of post-breast reconstruction complications and lowered effectiveness of pre-surgery chemotherapy.
  • According to one study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, obese people can suffer a heart attack 12 years sooner than most and are more likely to suffer from diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
  • Obese people are also more likely to develop dementia later in life- 260% more likely to be exact. And according to studies by Kaiser Permanente, a U.S. based health care company, people with the fattest arms nearing their 50s were 59% more likely to develop dementia.

If these startling facts are not enough to convince you to start managing your weight, then consider this: people who maintain a healthy weight feel better about themselves. Contrary to the notion that weight loss is the enemy of self-esteem, proper weight management can actually boost self-esteem.

Regular exercise helps boost endorphin levels which can greatly improve your mood and make your feel good about yourself. Regular exercise also builds confidence – the more you are able to accomplish, the better you will feel, and eventually, the better you will look as well.