Weight Loss
Gastric Band Surgery: The Basics
For some people, weight loss surgery can save their lives. They may have exhausted the less drastic weight loss techniques, and underlying health problems such as an underactive thyroid can mean the weight just won’t shift. Their weight makes them at risk of stroke, heart disease, and susceptible to developing diabetes, meaning dramatic action is sometimes the only way to improve an overweight person’s health. That said, it’s not a decision that should be taken lightly, and having a gastric band is certainly not an easy way out.
Do your Research
If you’re dangerously overweight, you should already be seeing a doctor or nutritionist regularly, and if you’re considering a gastric band, no doubt they will have already guided you through many weight loss techniques unsuccessfully. Before you even approach the subject of weight loss surgery with a medical professional, it’s important to understand the procedure yourself as a doctor is much more likely to listen to your thoughts if you give them the impression you’ve considered the pros and cons.
It’s important, to be honest with yourself about the severity of your condition. Have you really exhausted all other weight loss techniques?
Gastric Band vs. Gastric Bypass
Gastric band surgery is a reversible procedure that involves fitting an inflatable silicone ring around the top of the stomach which causes you to feel full more quickly. A gastric bypass is non-reversible and involves the creation of a smaller stomach and the shortening of the small intestine (which your food passes through), but the effects are very similar to gastric band surgery. Which one people choose is very dependent on their personal circumstances and lifestyle choices, and their options will always be thoroughly discussed with their doctor.
The Effects of a Gastric Band
Other than weight loss, there are other changes you may see in your body after gastric band surgery. You may have to avoid some foods if you begin to react badly to them, but this will be different for everyone. Other common issues are extreme nausea after eating even a little too much, and some people can find themselves retching whilst eating, which can affect their lifestyle.