Whey Protein With Weight Training
Weight training in and of itself provides some undeniable benefits for the human body. You will feel better, look better, and maintain a much more healthy lifestyle with a steady regimen of weight training. But, is there any way to bolster the effects of that regimen when you are finished? Supplementing your post-workout diet with some whey protein is a good way to reinforce the workout and rebuild muscle. A high protein meal plan can be just the thing to help you get the most out of weight training.
What exactly is Whey Protein?
Whey protein is a unique dairy byproduct and dietary supplement that is chock-full of protein. It is often produced as a byproduct of cheese and generally starts in liquid form before being compressed into its more common powder form. It works fast, is easy to digest, and provides you with all 9 essential amino acids. Our bodies require protein and these essential amino acids to produce a number of beneficial effects. By itself, whey protein is mostly tasteless and can be added to a number of different savory foods like mashed potatoes or soups. Some manufacturers put flavoring in their whey protein products so that they can be mixed with drinks or shakes.
Benefits of Whey Protein
There are a number of benefits to whey protein, but the dietary supplement works best in conjunction with extensive weight training. If you’re looking for meal plains to gain muscle, then whey protein is one of the best additions for your diet.
One of the most obvious reasons to use whey protein after a workout is to bolster muscle growth. Many studies have indicated that whey protein helps produce lean muscle mass at a greater rate than simply working out. This is because metabolized whey protein bypasses the liver so that it can take effect on the muscles relatively quickly.
But, whey protein is also indicated as a way to help control your weight. As a solid addition to any high protein meal plan, whey protein will help lessen your appetite which will, in turn, promote fat loss. When combined with its unique ability to produce lean muscle mass, whey protein can certainly help you shed some pounds throughout the course of a weight training regimen.
On a molecular level, whey protein has been indicated to increase the production of glutathione. This substance contains three essential amino acids and works as a major natural anti-oxidant. It’s helpful in decreasing your recovery time and improving your endurance overall.
When to Take Whey Protein
The best time to use whey protein is generally up for debate. But, because it acts so fast, many specialists suggest that you use it soon after each weight training session. For ample results, try taking whey protein about 15 to 30 minutes after exercise. Some individuals have found success by taking whey protein within 2 hours following the weight training workout. Anything longer than that won’t produce the same effects as taking the protein right after a workout is over.
Adding whey protein to your post-weight training diet can be a helpful supplement for many meal plans to gain muscle. The increased protein and fast-acting nature of the supplement make it ideal for any intensive weightlifters.