Tips On How To Soothe Your Teething Baby
It’s that time of the day when your baby is tucked up in bed; you collapse on the sofa and stick Strictly Come Dancing on the TV. Then, over the monitor, you hear your baby start crying. But Why? She has been sleeping so well. We did the usual bath and book bedtime routine? What is wrong?
Just when you thought you had settled your baby into a nice sleep routine – the pattern is broken with an unsettled and grizzly baby. Could she be teething? What are the signs of a teething baby?
Irritability, restless nights, loss of appetite, and a lot of dribbling are good indicators of a teething baby. Often babies will try to chew everything they can get their hands on and the cheek on the affected side can also become hot and flushed as the tooth pushes upwards.
Teething hurts. So what can you do when your baby has a tooth that’s trying to breakthrough?
There are lots of ways you can help ease the discomfort of teething. You can try rubbing the gums gently with your little finger. You can give your baby something to chew on – a teething ring can help soothe the gums, especially if you cool it in the fridge beforehand.
Over the counter remedies
For babies older than 1 month you can use a sugar-free teething gel, which contains a mild anesthetic to help reduce the pain. If you feel they are still in discomfort an Infant Paracetamol or Ibuprofen could help too.
A more natural alternative to teething gels are teething crystals or granules. Teething granules are a homeopathic remedy specifically designed to dissolve in the baby’s mouth. They contain Chamomilla, which is often described by homeopaths as one of the best remedies for teething because of its beneficial calming and soothing properties.
Home remedies
Teething can also cause a loss of appetite in babies. With an increased desire to chew, breastfeeding babies may nipple bite – so beware nursing mothers!
If your baby is older than six months, you could try letting her chew on hard non-sweetened rusks and breadsticks. Also try freezing fresh frozen fruit and vegetables, such as cucumber to use as a chewable soother.
Keep Calm and Relaxed
Keeping your baby as relaxed as possible by giving her a bath or a nice oily massage can also help. This will also help to relax you and is especially comforting for your baby. After all, a cuddle is the best soother of all!
You may also benefit from a nice relaxing bath and an early night. After all, whilst your baby is suffering from teething pain you are probably going to be facing some broken night’s sleep as a result. Teething can be a difficult time for both the baby and the parents!
Fortunately, the first teeth to emerge are usually the worst. By the time your baby is 2 and a half she should have all her milk teeth through. You will gradually learn to read the signs and know what works for your baby when she is teething. By which time you’ll be an expert!