5 Reasons to Install Filtering Water System for Safety of Kids’ Health
For the past decade, the sale of bottled water has gone up considerably. Most experts will confirm that water consumption is healthy for everyone, but it all depends on the quality of the water that you are drinking. There are five comprehensive reasons why you should replace the bottled water by installing a water filter in your home. Your children’s health will rely on it.
Water filtration improves health
In your local municipalities, the employees try their best to take care of the water treatment plants as best as they can, but it is never completely safe due to trace levels of lead, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, arsenic, bacteria, microorganisms, chlorine and other contaminants found in water that go unseen by the naked eye. The reverse osmosis process can easily remove these dangerous contaminants when you install a filtering water system.
When you feel safe about drinking your water, it makes you want to drink it more regularly and this can improve the health of your entire family, including your children. The EPA reports that about 20% of the human population is exposed to lead by drinking unfiltered water from the tap. This is an alarming statistic that should concern all parents. When children are exposed to lead, it has a direct connection to delays in their physical and mental development. When you use a water filtration system, you will be able to cut down on waterborne illnesses that are caused by tap water, and that affects your children’s health.
Lead poisoning in children may cause:
- Learning disabilities
- Hearing impairment
- Stunted growth
Better tasting water
You may have observed a chemical taste in your tap water. That is why you may have invested your money in purchasing bottled water as an alternative. However, this will probably not save you from bad-tasting water. A water filtration system is a solution for improving the taste of your water. The reverse osmosis process filters the water and removes the contaminants to make it taste clearer and crisper.
When you switch from bottled water to a water filtration system, you will receive over 400 gallons of clean water that are filtered through reverse osmosis, and this is equidistant to getting rid of thousands of water bottles.
Saving the environment
You may teach your children to get involved with the recycling process, but at the same time, if you are drinking bottled water, you are participating in something that is harmful to the environment. Children mimic what their parents do. Although disposable water bottles are recyclable, it is not good for the environment or your children’s health, as this results in millions of empty water bottles in our landfills. Carbon emissions are increased during the manufacturing process of these water bottles. The ecological preference would be a water filtration system, which is better for our environment and our families, including our children.
Keeping your children happy and healthy
Children are so vulnerable to the environment, and it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their surroundings are kept safe. Instead of giving your children sugary drinks such as sodas and juices, you should switch to good tasting water. Installing a water filtration system in your home will make a difference in how your children behave. Drinks that are filled with processed sugars only make children hyperactive and sluggish. Children who drink filtered water will have clearer minds, productive lives, and they will be happier.
Clean water is crucial to your child’s development. It prevents dehydration, replaces any lost fluids, and doesn’t supplement unnecessary calories to their diets. You should endeavor to provide water to your child all through the day. Quality filtered water is not only for drinking, but you should also use it to bathe your child and wash their clothes. Clean water prevents contaminants from building up in your children’s hair, skin, clothing, sheets, and blankets. Because your children are still in their developmental stages, unfiltered water could trigger allergies, as a child’s immune system is not yet strong enough to fend off such an invasion.