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Weight Loss

Best Way to Lose Weight



Weight gain is a common problem in today’s world, and sedentary lifestyles and fast food are common reasons for it. Lack of physical activity triggers the accumulation of fats in the body and causes weight gain or obesity. Obesity can result in severe and life-threatening conditions such as cardiac arrest, heart disorders, diabetes, and kidney disorders. This gives enough reason for people going crazy to look for different ways to lose weight.

What remains essential is that people must understand the body’s metabolism and how it reacts to the food we eat and the exercises that we do. Crash diets or exhaustive exercises cannot be considered the best and effective ways of weight loss and nor are they safe and consistent. If you are looking for some practical ways to lose weight, here are a few suggestions for you.

Ways to Lose Weight:

Calorie Needs and Weight Loss:

Before you think about losing weight, you must know how much calories are required by your body. The body uses food to produce calories, and any excess calories are accumulated in the body in the form of fats. This implies that any overconsumption of food will cause weight gain. So, for people trying to lose weight, it is vital to take in fewer calories and expend more calories. To consume more calories, you will need to increase the amount of physical activities in your routine. Walking, swimming, yoga, jogging, and aerobics can be some useful activities to help burn fat.

Train your Stomach:

Learn to train your stomach and it can reduce your pot belly for sure. You need to stop eating before you reach the overeating threshold. Now, you might wonder how do we know, how do we recognize that we have reached the overeating threshold? Well, the answer to this question will be different for different people. Even for the same person, it will differ according to the age, exercise levels, stress level, time of the day and the season. Therefore, the key to stay in threshold is to eat frequently and in smaller quantities rather than following the usual three-meal schedule.

Maintain a Calm State of Mind:

Now you might have the one eyebrow raised. Have you? Well, it may sound irrelevant, but this is linked with your weight loss regime. A calm mind helps our body absorb all the nutrients from food. Or let me put in other words, which would interest you; a peaceful state of mind prevents the body from converting food into fats.

When you are sad, angry, frustrated, agitated, and distracted, your body does not produce digestive juices, and your body converts food into fats (body’s natural reaction to food, if it feels any threat to survival, as it perceives stress as a threat). So, a calm mind stimulates the release of the right amount of digestive juices that help absorb nutrients from the food eaten.

Drink Plenty of Water:

You might come across people saying that depriving the body of water can be an effective weight-loss measure. Well, yes, you will lose weight by not drinking sufficient water. But this is fooling the body; you have not burnt any fats but just reduced the overall water mass in your body.

On the other hand, the best advice is that you must drink plenty of water as this stimulates the body’s metabolism and helps it burn excessive fats. If you do not want to drink just water, add some lemon wedges or mint leaves to it.

There is no natural or crash course plan for weight loss. However, being patient, determined, and positive is vital to attain a perfect figure. So, to help you shrink your tummy flab and make you feel more confident about yourself, we have discussed a few suggestions above. You can follow these and see the difference for yourself.