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Why Attend Counseling After Gastric Bypass Surgery



For people who have had long-term challenges maintaining a healthy weight, gastric bypass surgery can provide an extremely viable and seemingly miraculous solution. However, those who don’t make it a point to properly address all the underlying problems behind their struggles may find they continue to struggle with the same psychological issues that either caused their unhealthy weight gain or were resulted from it.

Some patients regain much of the weight they lost from surgery due to overeating that stretches the stomach lining. Others substitute a prior addiction to food with a new addiction. Whatever your situation, experts agree that counseling can help. Counseling is especially recommended for people who undergo a procedure as drastic as gastric bypass.

Learn to Live in Your New Body

For many people, getting a gastric bypass procedure and losing what can amount to hundreds of pounds worth of extra weight will result in a need for a considerable amount of adjustment. Of course, you’re thrilled to be feeling better, looking better, and enjoying more energy. However, it’s still important to recognize the fact that finding yourself living life from inside a drastically different body involves a learning curve, some tweaks in body image, and a considerable change in lifestyle. You will also need to learn the ins and outs of staying nourished in your new body.

Counseling helps patients form realistic expectations and come to terms with the vast changes they undergo.

Dealing with Underlying Issues

Many people assume that their weight problems are due to factors like bad genes or life issues beyond their control. However, some individuals are unknowingly overweight due to mental illness, addiction, or poor habits, such as stress eating. It’s important to undergo counseling before and after gastric bypass surgery in order to properly identify and address any outlying issues behind weight gain. Otherwise, you run the risk of regaining weight after surgery or picking up a new addiction or habit.

Adopt Good Habits and Pass Them On

Counseling can even help you learn how to use your experiences to help others avoid becoming obese or overweight, including but not limited to your own children. Taking the time to learn proper eating and nutritional habits and becoming emotionally strong not only can help you stay slim in the future but help you become better equipped to help your children and loved ones from facing the same pitfalls. Ask your counselor or nutritionist how you can better do this.

Speak to a Nutritionist as Well

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that counseling is limited to psychological treatment and family assistance. You should ask your doctor for recommendations for a nutritionist, personal trainer, or other professionally-trained personnel to help you adapt to life after gastric bypass surgery. Make sure to ask about your options for bariatric supplements, snacks, and multivitamins, too. Ultimately, you will find that the more precautions you take to ensure your mental and emotional health, the better suited you will be to adapt to the significant changes that come with bypass surgery.