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Hair Care: Keeping Hair Healthy Using Honey



Hair is the crowning glory of a woman” – This is a popular quote we inherited from our ancestors. Many agree while others oppose it. Hair has grown to be an asset to most women.

A lot of women are very vain when it comes to taking care of their hair. Whether long, short, or middle length, they tend to use different products to make the hair looking good all the time. Indeed, there are so many hair products available in the market. If you are too vain with regards to your hair, chances are you spend a certain amount of bucks just for the hair products.

Wanna make a difference this time? Try a natural hair care product in the presence of honey. Yes, honey! The extract that we get from the beehive. Aside from the fact that it is all-natural (meaning no chemical contents), it is less expensive.


Honey is widely used today as a health and beauty product alternative. But even before, it has been utilized as a treatment or as an ingredient for different maladies. Many people make use of honey as a disinfectant and first aid treatment for wounds and burns. with regards to the beauty aspect, several women use it as a face mask, skin exfoliant, and hair conditioner.

If you wanna take care of your hair in a natural way, honey is a good choice. It can restore the beauty of your hair. Dull hair could shine again. Honey is likewise regarded as prevention for baldness.

How to Use

Using honey for hair care is pretty easy. For hair loss, make a paste by mixing 1 tsp. of honey with 2 tsp. of water and 1 tsp. of olive oil. The paste should be massaged onto the area of the head where it is highly needed (parts of the scalp where hair loss takes place). It is highly recommended to apply the paste before you sleep and keep it overnight. Rinse your hair the following day.

For conditioning, the hair, combine 1 cup of honey with ½ cup of olive oil. Massage the honey mixture to the scalp and wait for about 30 minutes before washing the hair. Honey conditioner can make hair follicles and scalp healthy.


As mentioned, honey can bring luster to dull hair. As compared to most over-the-counter products, the honey mixture is all-natural. Those hair products available on the market have undergone varied processes which means that the natural properties might be lost. And the best thing about using honey is that you can easily find it. Check your cupboard in the kitchen. Honey is used for cooking. Indeed, honey is a cheap hair care product.


As much as possible, try to purchase honey from beekeepers to ensure good quality. Some honey brands available in the grocery stores are no longer “all-natural”. There are manufacturers that mix sugar with honey to increase the quantity. Spring and summer season is usually the best time to buy fresh honey.