Making The Most Of a Running Band For The Summer Season
Well it’s happened, summer is finally here and we are ready to go with a full schedule of summer sports which will include a lot of swimming, some beach running and hopefully an escape or two to the cooling mountains for long hiking sessions.
Having just bought a new running band for the summer, I am looking forward to utilizing it as much as I can during the summer season. That isn’t to say that any running band is just for a single season, however it helps to select just the right design to better suit your needs.
In the winter I might go for something with more storage space and with a thicker belt that I can use when I am hiking in the windy hills, or when I am feeling brave enough to go rock climbing, I simply load up my band and head up climbing for the day.
So back to the summer, and all the wonderful things we can do to get active over the next couple of months.
Selecting the right running band for your summer workouts
Although most health conscience people try to remain as active as possible, we sometimes find it hard to either find time or the energy to get ourselves moving. Working long hours, family responsibilities, and fatigue all play a big part of how we organize our workout regime.
Nevertheless we always perk up during the summer months and it’s never too early to start working on your tan! So to start getting into the summer mood, its best that we begin from the inside out.
Making a meal of it – summer months means a summer diet, try to eat more fruits and vegetables and less complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates make us feel heavy and sludgy, giving us more reason to stay in. The benefits of eating fresh fruit such as strawberries, watermelon, apples, kale, pears, nectarines, avocados which give you vital good fatty acids all these and more, will help you lose weight and gain energy
Finding the right gear for the job – there is no better way to get into gear by finding the right gear for your needs. Keeping active means you will be out of the house a lot. You don’t want to weigh yourself down with oversized backpacks. Keeping all you need in your running band will help immensely. From your vital items such as a cell phone and cash, keys or medication – to extras such as a small towel or energy bar to keep you on the go, finding the right running band for you is very important.
Taking to the water – The beach is an amazing place to lose weight and get fit. On the beach you can walk or run on the sand, which is softer on your knees as well as giving you an uneven surface which helps you tone faster. Then of course comes the water! Swimming, “treading water” or simply walking through the water will give you an amazing workout. Just an hour of either activities will burn calories and tone your entire body.
If you don’t live near a beach, don’t worry, your local swimming pool will be excellent for you to enjoy the benefits of weightless workouts.
Enjoy a healthy and productive summer!