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How Reclining Chairs and Sofas Can Improve Your Health



You may have thought of a recliner as a great way to avoid taking up the space that would be taken up by an ottoman, but they’re even more beneficial than you thought. Recliners benefit the body in several ways. Now, with a growing array of options from chairs to couches, you can benefit the whole family. Here are 5 ways reclining couches and sofas can benefit your body and lend to your good health.

1. Relieves Stress

Studies have found a wide range of health problems that can be attributed directly to stress. From headaches and depression to heart disease and asthma, stress triggers the heart and mind in negative ways leaving your body open to the repercussion of the wear and tear of everyday life. “”Stress doesn’t only make us feel awful emotionally,” says Jay Winner, MD, and director of the Stress Management Program for Sansum Clinic in Santa Barbara. “”It can also exacerbate just about any health condition you can think of.” Many doctors recommend getting at least one hour of rest outside of the bedroom every day. A recliner allows you to rest without sleeping, and the resulting alleviation of stress will manifest itself as you see your health and mood improve.

2. Relieves Pregnancy Pain

Swollen ankles, tight fingers, achy joints, and awkward ribs are all affected mothers’ bodies as they get further and further into pregnancy. While many pregnant women take to lying down, some may feel isolated by having to go to the bedroom overtime she feels those aches and pains. The angle of a reclining recliner takes the weight off of the front carriage of the pregnant woman’s body and helps to line up her center of gravity. Pregnant women might feel so comfortable in a recliner that she prefers to sleep there than in her own bed, which is much less accommodating to the aches and pains of pregnancy.

3. Improves Circulation

For those who suffer from poor circulation, you know the discomfort of swollen joints and heavy feet. Especially if you have a job where you are standing or even sitting for long periods of time, your body is suffering from the effects of gravity on your blood flow. Over time, the blood that settles in your lower legs, ankles, and feet will cause the feet and legs to swell and can even clog veins. Avoid swollen feet and even eventual surgery by relaxing in the recliner as much as possible when you’re away from work.

4. Relieves Achy Joints

Those who suffer from arthritis know the discomfort of swollen and stiff joints. Recliners can help those with arthritis by increasing circulation and angling the joints correctly. Some doctors even recommend that some arthritic patients sleep in a recliner instead of the bed to allow for better circulation and to keep the muscles pulling downward.

Whether or not you’re experiencing the everyday stresses of work, parenthood, or whether your body is experiencing the stress caused by work, consider the health benefits offered by recliners. It’s never too early to start either. By teaching your kids to make time to relax, you’ll be preparing them for a healthy life ahead. The whole family’s health can improve by simply taking a break to recline.