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Dietary Tips to Help You Achieve Your Ideal Weight



Food remains the fuel of good health and a healthy diet ensures a life that is not devoid of pleasure that food can bring. The general perception is that a diet turns one into a ‘pleasure prohibitionist ‘. This should be discarded because research in the field of diet and nutrition has proved just the opposite of this long-held belief.
The Right Diet

We need to vary in fad diets. They feed on the desperation of people to lose weight through a quick-fix formula and disappoint them in their long -term impact. Apart from the fact that any diet you may undertake needs to be thoroughly examined by your medical advisor in terms of its effect on you, its equally imperative for you to understand that whatever your diet plan may be, a simple reduction of 500 calories in a day from the collective calorie intake will help you reduce1-2 pounds in a week.

This is of course subject to metabolism level and a healthy workout including cardio or aerobic exercise, which one must undertake. Without a doubt, a careful and well-balanced diet that focuses adequately on micro and macronutrients will help one lose weight.

Dieting can be quite daunting as food habits formed are not that simple to break. However, while the body battles it out at one level the mind too has to tune itself to join forces. Here are some tips that will make dieting seem more plausible and build your faith in your ability to reach your desired body weight.

Tips To Help You Succeed

  • The Right Choice-Choose a diet that has the right dietary allowances of essential nutrition because that is one aspect that can directly affect your immunity and proper functioning of organs. A diet lower than 1200 calories will risk metabolic deficiencies.
  • Essential Elements -Your diet must include at least 3 ounces of carbohydrates or else the body will have to break down lean tissue to supply sugar to the blood to keep you energized. Even fats are necessary during a diet program to supply the necessary fatty acids and to carry fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
  • Beware Of diets sold commercially unless checked by your doctor. Some actually ask you to have appetite suppressants.
  • Set yourself a realistic target as it’s easy to get de-motivated. Better still go on a diet with a friend or a colleague. Though the weight loss may not be the same as every person’s metabolism reacts differently to a diet; working together on such a project does keep a check and motivates one to go on.
  • Stop Going ‘fast’ – Stop shopping for snacks at the grocery store or binge on fast foods and most certainly do not store them at home. The urge to eat is lesser when you know you’ll have to walk a mile for it.
  • Snacking is not unhealthy- It’s what you snack on that matters. In fact, do snack on fiber-rich unsalted popcorn or fresh fruit and make your ravenous appetite during meal time sober down a little.
  • Get It -‘Write’ – Quite simply make a list of your problem eating habits and the time you are more prone to do so. Writing it down gives you a clearer picture and objectifies the problem. Find healthy substitutes to replace.
  • Don’t be in denial- So you like to nibble on some goodies. Don’t deny yourself the pleasure and make your diet a punishment instead eat smaller quantities and wean yourself off slowly.
  • Keep a check on mood-related eating.
  • Avoid eating or drinking while watching television and do take your time not only to chew well but also to enjoy every little mouthful.
  • Go heavy on breakfast and light on lunch and dinner.
  • Eat a healthy snack before your evening workout so that you are not ravenously hungry at dinner time.
  • Weigh yourself first thing in the morning to keep yourself motivated for the long haul. You have to stop yourself from assuming that it will happen like a miracle.
  • A workout does not justify your gorging afterward; you would be nullifying all the good you may have done. Exercise for fun and for the sake of health.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and go easy on diuretics that deprive your body of fluids.
  • Sleep well as rest is essential for the overall ‘feel good’ factor that keeps you motivated.