5 Killer Tactics to Remove Acne Scars From Face Now
In the past, people with blemishes and pockmarks on their faces due to acne breakouts just had to grin and bear it. Medications and procedures which can help you remove acne scars from face were hard to come by before. Now, there are various solutions made available nowadays. Here are some of the most effective methods to remove acne scars that are plaguing you.
Quit Popping Your Zits
One of the methods to remove acne scars from the face is to prevent it. When you pop your zits, you are causing way too much pressure on the fragile dermal layers, which will weaken the collagen and elastin fibers. This is the leading cause of why keloidal or crater-like scars emerge in the first place.
Drink Lots of Water
Hydrate your skin so that it won’t dry up. Besides the preventive property of water in scar formation, it can support your skin’s system in sloughing off the dead skin cells and regenerating new ones.
Eat Your Way to Blemish-Free Skin
Diet always helps. Eat foods high in vitamins and minerals to hasten the body’s natural process of healing itself. Protein-rich food should also be a significant part of your diet if you want to get rid of acne scars from face now. This can boost the collagen and elastin fibers on your skin’s dermal layers since these are primarily protein, you know.
Read the Labels of The Anti-Scar Products
A lot of people do not realize the importance of doing this (even when buying food). Be aware that there are certain ingredients in anti scar products that you may be allergic to. Some are naturally acne-causing as well. As mentioned, it will be tough to remove acne scars from the face if you still have bulging pustules. So be careful with using this every time.
Consider Cosmetic Surgery
There are acne scars that are so difficult to deal with, like the ice pick type and the keloidal kind. If you think that nothing is happening to your acne scars, even with meticulous use of various products, you might want to look at surgery already. Dermabrasion and Laser are only two examples under this category of acne scar treatment. These are very well accepted by dermatologists and patients today due to their high success rates.
Even if you want to bang your head (or face) against the wall due to frustration to remove acne scars from face, don’t. You should consult your dermatologist so that you know what kind of scarring you have and choose the most appropriate treatment method to ensure success.
So, do you want to get more tips and learn more about how to get rid of Acne and Scars through simple treatment?