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Two Scary Beauty Product Ingredients To Avoid



Metals, chemicals, and bacteria are scarily enough, showing up in many of the beauty and cosmetic products displayed in most of our shopping centers and online market-places. Such dangerous, harmful chemicals are being implemented in the manufacturing process of makeup, moisturizers, hair products, and others alike. Below is an explanation of two of the most dangerous! Be cautious and learn the facts…

Skin creams containing mercury

Yes, believe it or not, this was in fact a headline in one of the major newspapers not so long ago…following on from an FDA investigation with these findings, it has caused a stir with the media and health organizations alike. And this is certainly NOT something to be shrugged off without a second thought. The risks are serious and people are becoming sick from these imported products.

Dangerous skin creams are unfortunately progressively flooding the market, and with a high proportion being ‘fake’ and imported products with no real approval, the probability of purchasing a dangerous variety is becoming all too common – even in high street stores.

Mainly though, these products are widely available at Latino, Asian, and Middle Eastern markets, and not-so widespread in American brands. ALWAYS check the labels of your skin creams – if the brand seems somewhat exotic (you can usually tell a mile off), be sure to look for either mercury or as it is usually disguised in ingredients; mercurous chloride, calomel, mercuric or Mercurio. If these ingredients are included, stay well away! Mercury poisoning includes potentially life-changing defects such as tremors, vision and hearing problems, and memory loss.

Lipsticks containing lead

Once upon a time, a myth was conceived that some lipsticks out there contained lead. Unfortunately, this, however, turned out to be true. Following another in-depth investigation launched by the FDA whereby hundreds of beauty products were tested. This was brought about by an alert brought to their attention from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. A couple of trials later, the FDA detected lead in a staggering full 100% of the products which were trialed! Scary stuff…

Even scarier, brands included in the testing procedures were well respected cosmetic suppliers such as L’Oreal, Avon, and Revlon. Even high-end product brands including Dior were found to contain the poisonous element.

As the pressure on people to look and feel good is immense, this often creates a lack of attention to what is actually contained within certain products or the complications of surgical procedures.

Most astonishingly, it is actually acceptable for brands to include the lead in their products, although lead poisoning can cause muscle pain, abdominal cramps, and eye disorders. There is no ‘safe’ level which is set as a guideline. This is extremely worrying, adding to the apprehension already caused by the brands’ notes that there is no danger if used correctly.

In other words, never wet your lips, kiss anyone or eat anything whilst you are wearing lipstick and all will be well!