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The Big Cs: Cancer Therapy and Vitamin C



Vitamin C is now the subject of cancer therapy research. However, the research has focused on oral administration, rather than the more direct route of IV administration. Vitamin C, when administered intravenously, has a far greater effect on the enhancement of the immune system than oral dosing.

Oral doses of Vitamin C act as an antioxidant that protects healthy cells from certain bacteria and viruses. This is why oral administration is highly recommended as protection at the first signs of a common cold.

Research, however, is beginning to show that higher doses of Vitamin C – doses only practical through intravenous methods – are actually toxic to cancerous cells. When Vitamin C is delivered via IV, the high levels of the vitamin in the bloodstream produce hydrogen peroxide, which is a known contaminant to cancer cells. Normal cells are not affected by hydrogen peroxide, but cancer cells do not have the same capacity to reduce the effects.

Experiments have shown that lymphoma cancer cells cannot withstand the exposure to hydrogen peroxide and die. The same results are apparent when Vitamin C is added to lymphoma cancer cells, as they result in hydrogen peroxide. The experiments are showing that high dosages of Vitamin C act as a pro-oxidant, rather than an anti-oxidant and that cancer cell death is the result due to the low anti-oxidant properties of cancer cells.

Research has also shown that approximately six months of one or two infusions a week of IV-administered Vitamin C prolongs the survival time of cancer patients – especially lung cancer, metastatic cancer, and lymphomas.

The side effects of high doses of Vitamin C are negligible.

Over and above the beneficial effects of high dosages of Vitamin C for cancers, a vitamin cocktail including Vitamins B complex – B5, B12, and B6 – with magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C treat a range of ailments and increases energy. There are many conditions that have been improved with this cocktail of vitamins when administered intravenously, including asthma, tension headaches, narcotic withdrawal, and seasonal allergies.

When treatments are given one or two times a week, many patients report improvement in their health or even full recovery after the third or fourth treatment. The treatment is safe and effective and is tolerated by most individuals. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps to ward off viral infections and many bacterial attacks, and makes many metabolic processes function better. With such results, vitamin C is truly proving to be a miracle drug for many.