Surgical treatments or earlier intervention?
Our skin is the largest body organ, but we take it for granted. Sun damage is one of our biggest problems, but by the time we start to care, it can be too late to intervene with non-intrusive methods. There are so many products on the market nowadays, cream with SPF, foundations, sun creams, covering up, and even ways to remove the damage we have done.
A good dose of Vitamin D is one of the best ways to brighten up your mood; you can even buy lights that are supposed to change the feeling of rooms just when they are lit.
But a more natural less-costly way is to sun it up when we get that one day of sun in Britain otherwise known as our summer. And we are all guilty of thinking the sun isn’t strong enough to damage our skin in England. However, you would be wrong as it most defiantly is.
As a young adult, we go on our first holiday abroad and might put sun cream on for the early few days, or not even at all. Then that one day, you don’t mean you are destined to be a lobster for the rest of your holiday. And depending on how bad the burn is, you’re then going to be feeling pretty sore all the time, never thinking that in years to come, the burn could discolor or mark our skin.
Thankfully there are lots of removal techniques nowadays which can cover burns, birthmarks, stretch marks, strawberry and port marks, acne scarring, and even unwanted hair. If we are to work out how much we’d spend on removing unwanted hair over the years, we’d be surprised at how much the final figure is. If you shave, you’d have to buy a new razor or at least new heads, which can be costly.
Threading is a cost-effective hair removal technique that is on the market right now, which takes slightly more time, but you get great results even if it is a little eye-watering.
So from now on, the new ritual should be to wake up in the morning cleanse, tone, and moisturize your skin, even your gents. Then apply makeup with a built-in SPF or, at the least, use a moisturizer that has a high SPF. At a minimum, choose a product with an SPF of 15 or 25, depending on the weather.
It’s worth remembering that sun lotions and SPF make-up and moisturizers don’t stop you from getting that lovely glow; they protect your skin and prevent any damage.