Natural Foods that Will Detox You
It is almost 2013, which means it is almost time for New Year’s resolutions, and for most people that included a detox.
Look no further; mother nature is the inspiration for the best detoxes around. Mother Nature has a healing effect that is naturally found in foods. Food that can help you feel better is plenty. If you want to feel better in your body you will feel good by implementing any of these fresh foods into your diet.
Cauliflower is great for your body because it can reduce redness and inflammation. Cauliflower also acts as a natural toothbrush on your teeth, which can brush against the teeth when you chew. It can help remove bacteria buildup.
Broccoli is a great detoxifier because it neutralizes and has the ability to eliminate toxins. It will do this by delivering a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream. Broccoli like cauliflower is good for your teeth.
Lentils are the new “in” food, many menus at restaurants are using lentils and that’s because these little guys pack a powerful punch. To help balance blood sugar they can increase your energy and their fiber-rich, which adds to the elimination of the body’s toxins. This is a great detoxifying ingredient to add into your diet, lentils have also been known to help lower cholesterol.
Grapefruits are a great addition to any diet as they are fiber-rich and they are tangy and sweet which helps make you enjoy that flavor. Grapefruits can prevent kidney stones and they do aid in digesting any food that is stuck in your system.
Cucumbers are 95% water which can help flesh out toxins. Cucumbers are good for salad toppers or smoothies and putting them in your body will help alkalize the body. They are nutrient-dense and they can help improve your teeth and oral health because they help wash away food bacteria because they are so water-dense.
Sunflower seeds are loaded with vitamin E and they also will help detox your body. Add more sunflower seeds for a healthy body, mind, and soul.