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Inexpensive Ways to Keep Warm this Winter



It seems to be getting colder with each successive winter, the snow comes earlier and stays for longer and the wind seems to be able to cut through you like a knife. So it is important that we take action to ensure that both we and our homes are as warm as possible as winter draws in. In the UK the winter always seems to catch us by surprise, we have become so accustomed to mild winters that when the snow does arrive the country grinds to a halt and everything stops.

Being unprepared for the cold could place you in a position where you could leave yourself open to illness, placing you at risk this winter, but there are simple and inexpensive things that you can do to ensure that you are not caught out this year.

Tips for Keeping Warm

  • Rather than opting for a big bulky jumper, wear lots of thinner layers as the gaps between the layers of clothing will store your body heat; by all means, top the layers off with your jumper too.
  • Eat hot meals and enjoy hot drinks throughout the day, just the act of holding a nice warm mug will make you feel warmer.
  • If you have finished cooking, leave the oven door open as the oven cools down so that the heat flows into the house.  This is great if you have a small kitchen or open plan kitchen and living room.
  • Change your cotton sheets for flannel ones and use a down-filled duvet on the bed, as they trap more heat.
  • Make sure your curtains and blinds are fully open throughout the day so that the sunshine can warm up the house, but as soon as the sun starts to fade of an evening close them all up to keep the heat in. Have thick curtains with linings that are made to keep the cold out and the heat in.
  • Seal any drafts around your windows and doors, or install some secondary glazing to see you through the winter (clear plastic).
  • Keep active to raise your body temperature, do some housework or have a dance around the room, once you start moving you will soon warm up.
  • A large proportion of body heat escapes through the head, so start wearing a hat.
  • Trick your mind into thinking you are warm by using warm colors around the home, such as red and orange throws on the sofa.
  • Get creative and craft some homemade draft excluders, you can use old towels and blankets for this.
  • Bare floors and laminate flooring can look and feel cold so put some rugs down. By placing a dark-colored rug on your floor in an area that the sun hits will absorb the heat through the day and later release what it has stored.
  • Put a hot water bottle into your bed at least 30 minutes before you go to bed as it will remove all of the chills and have it feeling toasty and warm when you get into it.