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Some Things to Consider About Working For a Nurse Agency



Nursing jobs come in many varieties, require different skills, qualifications, and can be found in many different places. One place though that is becoming increasingly popular for nurses to be employed is the nurse agency. The nurse agency offers part-time or temporary jobs to nurses who are both fresh out of nursing school and experienced as well. Many nurses enjoy working for an agency because it offers a lot of great benefits, although the nursing agency is not for everyone. If you are thinking of working for a nursing agency, there are a few things that you should consider before jumping on the bandwagon.

Pay and benefits:

Nursing agencies can offer an excellent pay and benefit package if you happen to find the right one. Typically those that are just starting might not be willing to provide as much in pay as others who have been in business for a while and have established clients. Even still, many of these agencies will offer a slightly higher wage than that of a hospital or clinic. The extra pay, though does not always mean that it will be worth the extra trouble of moving around on a steady basis.

Hours of availability:

When working for a nursing agency, you will most likely be working all hours of the day. Some agencies will provide you with the option to pick your days and hours, but even then, you will be working on a call type system where the agency will call you when they have a position for you to fill. This call could come at any time, day or night and on any day of the week because there is no way of telling when someone will call out of a shift somewhere. So it would seem that you are virtually always working.

Established clients:

Nursing agencies build up a business reputation over time. Some may have a reliable and good reputation, while others may not be so good. The stronger the status, the more clients they will have, which means more work available for you.

Despite the obvious downsides to working at a nurse agency, there are many upsides too. Nursing agencies are suitable for people who enjoy not having to be at any particular place at any specific time. Also, they are ideal for people who enjoy paid traveling, extra benefits, and the ability to have steady work without set hours. As mentioned before, it all comes down to what the nurse prefers.