Why Should You Play Table Tennis to Shed Extra Pounds?
Since its inception, table tennis has gained traction as a popular game for novices and enthusiasts alike, and for a good reason. It’s a great source of entertainment, cardiovascular exercise and other great health benefits to players regardless of their age, gender or fitness level.
What most people don’t realize is that essentially, ping pong is a great way to shed off some extra pounds and get in shape. The following are ways playing table tennis can help with weight loss.
Low Risk of Injury
Players in table tennis bat with a small paddle which they use to toss the lightweight ball to the opponent’s side of the table. There’s basically no use of heavy playing equipment which therefore means that there’s a very minimal risk of falls or collisions.
Table tennis happens to be one of the few competitive sports offering players the opportunity to indulge in fast movements without placing significant strain on the joints. This makes it perfect for people who might be recovering from sport injuries or having joint problems inhibiting participation in other highly intensive sports.
Burning Calories
Playing table tennis can promote a quantum drop in extra weight given the brisk-paced movements it’s characterized with Of course, the quantity of pounds shed will be dependent on intensity, sex, fitness level and muscle volume. And, considering the entertaining and addictive nature of the sport, it could be a fun way for one to lose weight. Although calorie exemption is rather lower as compared to singles tennis, there is a significantly reduced risk of falls and injury. A high-speed table tennis game or match can burn up to 270 calories for a person weighing about 150 pounds while improving their reflexes. For sure, these are healthy reasons why should you play table tennis to lose extra fats.
The calorific outflow for table tennis is claimed to surpass walking on treadmills, an attribute connected to the vigorous, exhausting movements. The sport keeps players focused and on their toes thereby burning tons of calories in a significantly short space of time. Additionally, the simultaneous activities such as instantaneous thinking, motor coordination, walking and running help to further increase the rate of calorific depletion.
Improving Core Muscles
Unlike conventional sporting activities, table tennis is much easier on the joints. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t perform the same functions as other alternative options. This sport draws in and strengthens the core muscles of both the fore and posterior body regions.
From the high-energy moves, you get to strengthen your abdomen and back with the lateral twist of your side abdominal muscles. The continuous bouncing back of the ball with one’s force stimulates the arms and shoulders and chasing the ball at high speed around the table helps to prop up the legs while toning up your joints.
Improving Balance
Playing table tennis helps in enhancing dynamic balance as you muster coordinative movements. At all times, players are required to maintain an equilibrium posture in order to make efficient movements and generate enough force. Adjusting direction and maintaining balance plays a crucial role not just in playing the sport but also when trying to shed some pounds. Alongside this, the improved dynamic balance fosters better health even for older players.
Furthermore, Ping pong provides a refreshing way to burn calories without the rigor and intensity that contact sports demand. Besides, children, the elderly, people with diabetes and those who are obese can also mitigate their weight-related conditions in this way. Visit Pingthatpong for more solid information about that.
Enhancing Overall Fitness
Given the reduced chances of injury and low risk of accidents while doing swift movements without straining joints, people of all skill levels, sex and fitness statuses get to attend to a majority of their fitness needs. The sport’s high-intensity warrants a cardiovascular workout that strengthens your heart while toning muscles in the upper and lower body parts.
It actually ranks as one of the most reliably fabulous aerobic workouts. Rushing out on your feet sideways at the table makes your heart rate to escalate which causes a massive spike in your body’s oxygen expenditure. Lung capacity also augments due to deeper, faster and more intense breaths. Playing table tennis has a gentle impact on body parts which makes it ideal if you have broken joints, bruises or any constraints. This ultimately allows it to boost one’s immune system, rejuvenate the cardiovascular system and improve overall fitness.