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The Reviews of the Isagenix Detox Diet Are Astounding



Isagenix has been around for quite some time now, and it is hugely popular for a good reason.  It is a product that understands how the human body works, and that makes a point of helping us all live a healthier lifestyle.  No, it is not the next fad diet product.  The makers of Isagenix explain quite clearly that dieting does our bodies more harm than good.

According to Isagenix, what matters is that we eat healthily, work out regularly and detox and cleanse our bodies daily.   The Isagenix products are cleansers, which help our bodies to rid themselves of the toxins we accumulate due to the food we eat and the air we breathe.  This, in turn, helps our bodies to regenerate and to remain healthy.

The Benefits of Isagenix

Detoxing and cleansing is very important, and it has been scientifically recognized that it helps us be healthier and, in turn, happier.  The benefits of Isagenix include:


    • It stops us from feeling hungry and craving unhealthy snacks
    • It ensures our  bodies stay healthy and our energy levels stay up
    • It removes impurities and toxins from our bodies
    • It gives the body the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition it needs



So what are some of the reviews of this product?  As always, there are pros and cons, and it is up to you to decide whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

The Cons of Isagenix

It is generally better to start with the bad news and end up on a high.  Most people would turn to the internet to find negative reviews of any product, and, interestingly, it is incredibly difficult to find any bad words about Isagenix.  However, we’ve done the work for you and come up with the following:

  • Increased gas
  • It can be quite expensive if you follow it for longer than the recommended program

That’s it.

The Pros of Isagenix

The pros of Isagenix are straightforward to find, however.  Most people (including medical doctors) agree that the program works.  Since it is only an eleven-day program, if you count the two days for pre-cleansing, it is not hard to keep up with it.  The product tastes good and comes in various flavors, so there is something for everybody.

Weight loss is notable for most people, and they generally feel fitter, healthier, and happier after using it.  Indeed, it is not the cheapest product on the market, but you do have to pay for quality, and it certainly seems that Isagenix offers infinite variety.

The product, to most, seems honest because it does not recommend anybody to start dieting on just a few calories per day or to do things that could otherwise be construed as unhealthy.  Furthermore, people have nothing but praise about the customer service department, which is undoubtedly essential.  After all, if the product were awful, the company probably wouldn’t want to know.

There are many other Isagenix reviews and ratings.  Overall, however, it seems the general opinion of people is that it works when used as directed, which is what matters.