Health Benefits and Uses of Barley
Dubbed by some as the most perfect food on earth, barley has become a popular ingredient in most health products of today. Going green for your skin is in and barley capsule is one of the best organic supplements you can take. Barley plant has the most amazing nutrient contents.
Green barley has 11 times more calcium than cow’s milk, 7 times Vitamin C than oranges, 5 times the iron in spinach, and 2 times the Beta Carotene in carrots. Loads of micronutrients are also included in this miracle food from minerals to enzymes and amino acids.
1. Your Defense Against Harmful Elements from the Environment
Unlike any other chemically derived supplements, Barley capsules are easily absorbed by the body, which means you get faster and noticeable results. The organic supplement is the perfect protection for your body because of its high phytochemical content. Phytochemicals safeguard the body from radiation, pollution, and other environmental stresses.
2. Good for Your Heart
If you’re looking for a way to prevent heart problems, taking barley capsules regularly is a great option. Studies have shown that a diet high in beta-glucan from barley can actually lower blood LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol.
3. Takes Care of Your Tummy
Green Barley is a great detoxifier and eliminates toxins from the intestines and other tissues this is due to the high amount of chlorophyll content which acts as a detoxifying agent and anti-inflammatory.
Aside from chlorophyll, barley contains a high level of both dietary fiber and selenium which aids in the digestive process. Since green barley is alkaline, barley capsules won’t cause constipation, diarrhea, or any other stomach problems.
Instead, it helps your stomach to have a balanced in your stomach acid and help rebuild intestinal flora. The organic supplement mainly promotes regularity in your bowel movement. Remember than barley is grass and not a grain so those who have gluten sensitivity, barley in capsule, or in any other form are safe for your tummy.
4. Overall Healthy Body
Since barley is loaded with lots of minerals, vitamins, and other important nutrients, expect a lot of illness and complications to be covered by the natural supplement. A daily dose of barley capsule can keep your body in tip-top shape without any harmful ingredients entering your system. Barley can contribute to the health of almost all your internal systems.
If you are diabetic consider taking in a barley capsule since it can help stabilize blood glucose levels. People with arthritis can switch to juice from barley grass instead of celery juice. This is because organic sodium in celery only has 28 mg per 100 mg while organic sodium from barley grass has an amazing 775 mg per 100 grams. Studies also show that chlorophyll may increase the oxygenation of our tissues by increasing the formation of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
5. Weight Loss
Barley only contains 20 calories per serving so you don’t have to worry about getting fat when taking the food supplement. If you are fasting or taking up a weight loss program, the green barley a great source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and nutrients which can compromise your reduced intake of other food sources. When drinking barley juice it can also generate the feeling of fullness.
6. Slows the aging process
Not only does barley keep you young on the inside, but also helps in getting a healthier and radiant look. The large quantities of chlorophyll and live enzymes in barley helps in anti-aging processes. There are even anti-aging barley soaps in the market.