3 Top Exercises For Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Patients who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia know how debilitating living with chronic pain and unbearable stiffness is. Fortunately, there are plenty of exercises for fibromyalgia patients that can not only reduce pain and increase well-being but also reduce the psychological suffering or depression fibromyalgia often is accompanied by.
Although, for fibromyalgia patients, exercising could seem almost impossible considering the severity of the pain they experience when moving, the workout is the only effective treatment for this health problem. Through workout, people suffering from fibromyalgia can enjoy pain relief, better sleep, and an overall increase in their quality of life.
Here are some effective and easy to do workouts for fibromyalgia sufferers:
1. Walking
There is nothing simpler than walking a few minutes every day: you enjoy both the benefits of light exercise and the pleasure of nature and breathing fresh air. Walking stimulates the muscles, oxygenates the organism and the brain, reduces stiffness, and is a great energy booster, as well. Not only does walking help you reduce pain, but it is also an effective way to clear your thoughts and improve your mood.
For an effective workout, fibromyalgia patients should take short walks. Breaking a long walk into a few short chunks provides more benefits for people suffering from fibromyalgia. A long walk could become exhausting, and consume too much of your energy resources. Try taking two-three 10 minute walks per day, and results will soon appear. For better motivation and pleasant company, try joining a walking group.
2. Stretching
A good way to get rid of the stiffness caused by fibromyalgia is stretching. Stretching can help patients improve their flexibility and loosen stiff muscles. In time, this workout leads to greater ease of motion and increased workout tolerance. Stretching can considerably improve patients’ ability to cope with pain.
Fibromyalgia patients are advised to do stretching after and not before a workout. For example, after a short walk in the park, fibromyalgia sufferers could do a few minutes of stretching, to cool down. Warm-up stretching is not recommended for people suffering from fibromyalgia, because trying to stretch very stiff muscles could cause pain and discomfort.
3. Yoga
Through a combination of breathing, meditation, and postures, yoga helps fibromyalgia sufferers to get rid of pain, experience more balance and a better mood. Yoga has numerous benefits besides pain alleviation, like increased flexibility, better sleep quality, and increased concentration capacity. Most importantly, yoga helps patients find psychological wellness, and learn to accept their condition.
Persons suffering from fibromyalgia should try easier postures that do not cause much pain. Doctors warn that painful postures are not beneficial for fibromyalgia patients, so they should try to find those postures they feel most comfortable doing. This way, they will not put too much stress on the body, and they will also enjoy their workout more.
Exercise can seem painful and difficult for fibromyalgia sufferers, especially at the beginning. However, though a combination of will and regular effort, patients will be rewarded with a greater capacity to manage pain, less stress, and an optimal level of physical and psychological functioning.