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3 Intriguing Facts You Should Know About Holistic Medicine



3 intriguing facts you should know about holistic medicine

The concept of holistic medicine is one that emphasizes the need for healing of the whole person. The philosophy is that, in the journey towards optimal health, one must maintain a focus on the mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

Thus, in order to achieve optimal health, it is essential that you focus on a necessary balance between all four of these areas. Missing out on even one of them can have a significant effect on the others, and can prevent you from being your healthiest self.

As simple as that definition may sound, there are many aspects about holistic medicine that even those experienced in the world of a holistic healing approach may be unaware of. To help you gain a better understanding, here is a look at a few intriguing facts that you should know about holistic medicine.

The Concept Was Developed as Early as 5,000 B.C.

While there is little doubt that the world of holistic medicine has been improved and expanded upon in recent decades and centuries, the concept was actually developed as early as 5,000 B.C. For centuries, a holistic medicinal approach was and continues to be utilized by cultures including the Indians, Chinese, Native Americans, and even Europeans.

One of the first books written on the topic, titled The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine and authored by Huangdi Neijing, is still widely considered to be the foundation for what the world of holistic medicine has developed into today.

A Holistic Approach Involves a Higher Awareness of a Healthy Environment

The most significant benefit provided by a holistic medicinal approach over orthodox methods that utilize traditional medicine is that the holistic approach involves a much higher awareness of a safe and healthy environment. With traditional medicine, there are a variety of different issues affecting the environment, especially when it comes to medical waste.

Users of traditional medicine are often misinformed or unaware of how they should dispose of unused medicine, which results in societal and environmental issues with where that waste ends up. With holistic medicine, on the other hand, the medical waste journey is fairly clear. This results in a safer and healthier environment for all.

One-Half of Medical Schools in the World Now Offer Courses on Holistic Healing

One of the most important developments for the world of holistic medicine in recent decades is the fact that over one-half of medical schools throughout the world now offer courses on the topic. Throughout the 20th century, there was a bit of a battle, especially when it came to cancer treatments, between the orthodox approaches widely used today and the holistic approaches that have been used for centuries.

Physicians were basically choosing to back one or the other, and were, for the most part, unwilling to combine treatment from both approaches. The fact that many top medical schools, including Harvard, Yale, and John’s Hopkins, are now supporting courses for both approaches is a major step towards the goal of achieving optimal health for all.