Increased Risk of Developing Eye Disease by Drinking Too Much Coffee
Limiting the intake of caffeine in the body can help in avoiding the development of some serious eye diseases and loss of vision. This is according to a new study done by some US researchers from Harvard University. They have seen regular coffee drinkers have a higher risk of developing vision loss.
Caffeine is known as a stimulant that is found in food and beverages like tea, chocolate, colas, and coffee. If you are leading a healthy lifestyle and taking down on your caffeine intake, this stimulant would less likely to interfere with health. It does not directly cause eye diseases but it can increase its risk of having one.
Pressure in the Eye
According to some studies about nutrition, drinking large quantities of caffeine in a short period of time can raise one’s eye pressure for three long hours. Glaucoma is an eye condition which often results when there is high intraocular pressure. This can be damaging to the optic nerves at the back of the eye.
Doctors would usually tell their patients who have a family history of any eye disease to avoid drinking too many caffeinated drinks. You may ask your doctor on the right amount of caffeine you are allowed to intake for the day.
During the study, the responses of each participant were compared with their medical records to be able to determine the cases of having exfoliation glaucoma. This condition contributes to heightened pressure in the eye, leading to serious damage to the optic nerves.
This eye condition occurs when there is a whitish material building upon the eye’s lens. Exfoliation glaucoma rubs off the natural color of the iris, thus blocking fluids from exiting the eye.
Twitching of the Eyelid
Drinking too much caffeine can lead to eyelid twitching. This twitching activity usually is a result of spasms in the muscles which control the eyelids. This may occur rarely and does not cause any discomfort. But for some people, they experience having frequent eyelid twitching which can last for weeks.
Reducing your caffeine intake can help when you experience frequent twitching. Although other factors such as stress and lack of sleep can contribute to this kind of condition, limiting your caffeine intake can improve the switching activity. If it does not improve your eye condition, you may want to talk with your doctor for it may indicate other more serious conditions.
The result of the study showed that coffee drinkers had an increased risk of developing eye diseases than those who are non-caffeinated coffee drinkers.
Apart from the result of the research, many doctors are still recognizing the benefits of drinking coffee. Caffeinated coffee can help in lowering the risk of developing some of the most common forms of skin cancer and basal cell carcinoma. Also, coffee drinkers are said to have a lower risk of developing heart-related problems which can lead to serious nutrition hazards leading to death. It is still important to get some advice from your doctor when it comes to drinking coffee to avoid such eye problems.