Understanding The Signs: When Is It Time For Assisted Living?
As a loved one ages, family members might start to notice that they’re having a little bit of trouble living on their own anymore. Though the person might be healthy and happy, if they’re starting to struggle to live on their own, it might be time to think about moving into assisted living. Some of the signs that this could be the right move include the following.
They’re Having Trouble With Chores
As a person ages, it can become more difficult to handle everyday chores. They might not be able to do the laundry easily, so it can start to pile up around the house. Or, they might not be able to sweep and mop like they used to, so the floors might look a little dirtier.
They may not declutter or put things away, so the house looks messy. If a senior is having trouble keeping up with basic chores, they may need assisted living so they can get help doing these tasks.
They Have More Minor Injuries
A senior might start to have more mysterious bruises or other minor injuries. This may be from bumping into things as they walk, falling, dropping items they’re carrying, and more. These are often signs that they may need a little extra help to get everything done and to ensure they are safe. It is important to figure out how the injuries occur so that steps can be taken in assisted living to help protect them.
They Seem Confused Often
A loved one might start to show signs of age-related memory loss, which causes them to be confused more frequently. They might forget where they put things, miss appointments because they don’t remember them, or forget how to do things on their phone that they do regularly. All of this can be frustrating for them and can be a sign they need a little more help.
They Have Significant Weight Loss
Seniors can end up having significant weight loss if they have trouble cooking food or forget to eat. If the groceries in the fridge have gone bad and they’re losing weight, it can be a sign that they aren’t able to handle cooking on their own anymore and may need help to ensure they get proper nutrition. An assisted living community can help with this, as they can eat a variety of meals without having to cook or with help while cooking.
The Mail is Piling Up and Bills Aren’t Paid
Seniors may start to suffer from age-related eye conditions, which can make it more difficult to read. This may mean that the mail just piles up instead of being sorted and read, so they can end up missing bills that need to be paid. If the power has been cut because they forgot to pay the bill, it might be time to look into assisted living so they can get help keeping track of everything.
If your loved one is suffering from any of the above concerns, it might be time to start talking to them about moving into assisted living. It may not need to be done immediately, but if the signs are starting to appear or getting worse, it’s definitely time to start thinking about it and looking into assisted living facilities to find the right one.