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Four Common Skin Conditions And How To Treat Them



These four skin conditions affect millions of people across the globe every day. Many of them can be treated quickly and effectively without having to consult a doctor or dermatologist. Here are the big four skin conditions and how you can treat them.


Shingles are caused by a virus called Herpes Zoster. It is common among adults but can affect young people too. It is a red and blistery rash that typically appears on the torso, but can also appear on the arms and legs.

The virus can also cause headaches and a fever. The Herpes Zoster virus is the same virus that causes chickenpox, so if you have had that as a child you are more likely to experience shingles as an adult.

This blog post tells you how to recover from shingles quickly and effectively. There are several different treatments available that can help relieve the effects of shingles.


This is one of the most common skin conditions in the world. No matter what your skin type is, or how old you are, you may experience eczema in your lifetime. Though it mostly affects young people and infants, it can also affect adults even if they did not have eczema as a child.

There is no clear cause of eczema, though many doctors believe it can be caused by environmental factors, irritants like detergents and soaps, or by stress. Finding what triggers your eczema and avoiding them is key to reducing the number of eczema breakouts you suffer and their severity.

Athlete’s Foot

This is a fungal skin infection that typically occurs between the toes and along the sole of the foot. It can be distressing, and in extreme cases painful. The skin flakes or clumps between and around the toes, and often leaves dead skin on socks and pantyhose.

It can also cause an itching or burning sensation on the feet. Many over-the-counter treatments for athlete’s foot use an anti-fungal medication to diminish the growth of the fungus.

This treatment should always be paired with repeated cleaning and careful drying of the feet before applying the medicated cream or spray. If this treatment does not work, you should consult a doctor or specialist.


Though this skin condition is often associated with the teenage years, it can affect people in their adulthood too. It is caused by blocked glands and pores, typically on the face, that form pimples or spots filled with oil and puss.

Though acne is associated with the skin of the face it can affect any area of the body. Many over-the-counter treatments are effective at treating and controlling acne, but in some circumstances, you may need to consult a doctor or dermatologist.

Changing your diet can also be an effective way to reduce the effects of acne. Lowering your intake of processed fats and sugars can help reduce the prominence of acne.

If you have one or more of these skin conditions, help is not far away. Many over-the-counter medications and home remedies can be effective ways to treat these conditions. If you are very concerned, and the effects of your skin condition are painful, you should consult a doctor.