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8 Benefits of Working Out With Your Partner



Gentle exercises to soothe aching joints

For many people, exercising is a form of destressing. They see it as a form of self-care, a personal time to sweat it out and connect yourself on a different level. Whether they work out in a group, go for a run, join a class or carry weights on their own in the gym or at home, some people view their exercise sessions as a zen moment for them, and that’s great.

But have you considered working out with your partner or spouse? A study conducted on behalf of Freeletics, a fitness app, found that couples who worked out frequently together were 20% more likely to have frequent sex.

The benefits extend to more than just frequent sex. Here are some of the benefits of sweating it out with your partner:

You have someone to keep you accountable.

Imagine this scenario. You wake up, kiss your partner in the morning and tell them that you will work out in the evening. Your day starts with tons of meetings, eating a huge lunch, and being stuck in traffic.

You reach home tired and hungry. You decide to forgo your workout sesh only to receive a ping on your phone from your partner asking if you’re ready for your workout.

You’re at crossroads right now- Do I quit, or do I exercise? Having a partner who keeps you accountable for your goals (especially the one you made in the morning) is vital, especially for your health.

There are days when you will feel you can’t do it, but if you know your partner will exercise, you’d also be motivated to exercise, even if it is just for 15 minutes.

You have better focus and work out better with your partner.

Studies have shown that people who work out with their partners perform their exercises better. We automatically become better versions of ourselves in front of partners, and we also have complete access to positive energy.

It works both ways- you get motivated seeing your partner working out at total capacity, and you also encourage your partner when they feel like giving up. At times, our body can give up on us, but when we have our partners next to us pushing those reps, we become motivated to want to try harder.

It’s a two-way street, and it also helps to connect with your partner at an emotional and mental level.

You perform your exercises in better form.

Working out with your partner can also help you spot mistakes with posture and form. You will be accountable to commit to your workout days, but you’ll also be responsible for your routines and performing exercises the right way.

This is why watching videos is compelling because it allows you to see how workouts are done the right way. Your partner, in many ways, acts as your trainer too.

You’re likely to have better endurance too.

Seeing your partner put in the miles, continue their workout streaks, and eat right will subconsciously put you on a positive track to exercise more and eat right. Some things are just better together, and exercising is just one of them.

Sometimes when you feel demotivated to work out, but you see your partner gearing up for a run, this small act may just motivate you to put in a 10-minute workout on your own. A little endurance fuel to give you that energy boost can help you increase your exercise momentum. Learn more here.

You can increase the efficiency of your workouts.

You may already feel skilled in doing an exercise. Your speed is better, your form is better, and your energy is better without realizing it. Having a romantic partner working out with you increases this efficiency by two folds and increases your energy output.

Some research on exercising with your partner points towards faster weight loss when you train with your romantic partner.

Exercising together increases your emotional bond.

Working out together can also coordinate your actions. Running at the same pace, lifting weight in sync with your partner, and even being each other’s yoga buddy creates nonverbal matching or mimicry.

This benefits both partners in a romantic relationship because nonverbal matching help a couple engage emotionally with each other. People who feel better emotional bonds also develop more profound and sustainable feelings for each other.

You see each other at your highest and lowest.

Exercising with your partner allows you to connect at a different level that benefits your mental and emotional health. You also understand each other outside your comfort zone since you push each other to try harder, put in more reps, and become better versions of yourself.

In many ways, you’re seeing your partner as raw as they are, sometimes in their weakest moments, and you’ll fall in love with them because of how determined they are and the strength they have to continue. This is a connection that is so hard to obtain yet extremely valuable.

Create workout gear for you and your workout partner

Firstly, buying workout gear helps motivate people to work out. Secondly, while this may sound corny, getting a pair of workout gear for you and your partner is cute and fun! While you don’t have to wear it often, it’s something that both of you can hold on to and make your symbol of commitment toward a healthier lifestyle.

Get a couple’s workout gear when you start your workout schedule and see how much weight you’ve lost. Do a before/after you reach specific milestones in your weight loss journey so the both of you can compare and see how far you’ve come.

Final Thoughts

Exercising and staying healthy is a commitment and a lifestyle- if you and your partner can stick through this, you’ll be able to overcome any challenge life throws at you. If working out with your partner is not something you see yourself doing all the time, that’s ok.

You don’t necessarily need to exercise with them all the time, every time. Going to the gym together but doing your own thing is also a great way to sweat together.

You can also dedicate at least one workout session with your partner each week to motivate, inspire, and bond. Sometimes, it’s always good to have the person you are in a relationship with being part of this health journey with you.

Even so, exercising together is just a different kind of couple’s activity.