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The Importance of Dental Care for Overall Health



Routine dental care not only helps maintain your oral health; it can prevent several other health complications. When you visit the dentist regularly, your dentist can find problems before they become severe. Gum disease, tooth decay, and infection remain some of the most common issues.

Gum disease, especially, can lead to problems with your overall health. Poor oral health can cause infections, problems with pregnancy, and contribute to cardiovascular disease.


When your teeth or gums become damaged, bacteria can enter easily. You may get an infection in your tooth or succumb to gum disease. Prolonged gum disease causes your body to fight infection constantly. This can lower your immune system and even cause fatigue.

Infections in your tooth can move into your jaw bone or bloodstream, as well. The specialists at Taunton Village Dental can help you treat infections and maintain oral good oral health.


If you plan to become pregnant soon, visit your dentist for a cleaning and basic exam. You should also maintain your dental care throughout your pregnancy. Dentists can perform most dental procedures safely on pregnant patients.

Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of things like fillings and root canals. Gum disease causes the most problems for pregnant women. Women with gum disease may have preterm babies or babies with low birth-weight.

Cardiovascular Disease

Specialists need to study the link between cardiovascular disease and poor dental health. Theories state that individuals with poor oral health, mainly gum disease, have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Scientists have considered the possibility of bacteria from gum disease traveling throughout the blood vessels in the body causing inflammation and clots. Another theory involves the body’s immune response to gum disease. The resulting inflammation may cause vascular complications in the entire body, including the heart and brain.


Many people with diabetes suffer from circulation problems, leading to poor healing of wounds. If you have diabetes, visit your dentist at least twice a year to confirm your gums and teeth remain healthy.

You can also practice good oral hygiene at home. Diabetics must refrain from injuring themselves. If injuries occur, infections often follow. A diabetic with a tooth infection or gum disease may have problems resolving the issue. Prevention with routine checkups and good self-care remains the best strategy for these patients.

Many people procrastinate when it comes to dental care. This can lead to the progression of decay and gum disease. If you feel pain or discomfort in your mouth, you may need immediate dental treatment.

You can avoid severe complications by getting routine cleanings and exams. Dentists can often find tooth decay before it causes extensive damage to the tooth. You can also get gum disease under control when discovered in the early stages. If you already have a compromised immune system or plan to get pregnant, you must stay current with your dental care to avoid further illness. Talk to your dentist about the proper dental care routine.