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6 Dental Myths Busted



6 dental myths busted

Going to the dentist may not be on your top 10 list of things to do, but it’s very important for your overall health and well-being. However, there are likely plenty of things you **think** you know about the dentist that actually isn’t true.

If you truly want to have a great smile and impeccable oral health, then it’s very important you become knowledgeable in all things dental-related that are actually true. Below are six dental myths busted to help you get on the road to good oral hygiene

Myth #1: Cavities in baby teeth don’t matter.

If you have young children, you’ve probably wondered how exactly to take care of your children’s teeth properly.  You may find that they have suffered from cavities on their baby teeth.

Some parents don’t feel the need to pay to treat these baby teeth cavities because they’re just going to fall out anyway. However, that is a big myth. Sure, the teeth are going to fall out, but baby teeth are very important for the permanent teeth that will come in their place.

According to, “not only do baby teeth provide enough space for your child’s permanent teeth to come in but treating cavities in baby teeth can prevent the need for more expensive fixes down the line, such as root canal therapy.”

Myth #2: It doesn’t matter what time you brush your teeth.

Of course, your teeth brushing schedule will depend on your everyday schedule, but brushing is more than just getting it done twice a day. In fact, dentists recommend brushing before bed along with in the morning.

If you don’t brush before bed, you’re allowing food and bacteria to sit on your teeth and gums overnight, and this can be harsh on your teeth. However, if you brush before bed, you are removing those food particles and bacteria and giving your teeth a better chance at staying strong and healthy.

Myth #3: Pop is the only bad drink for your teeth.

Wrong! In fact, there are many juices and sports drinks out there that have more sugar in them than pop, which means a lot of what you’re drinking could be damaging to your teeth. In addition, if you’re under the assumption that diet pop is better because it doesn’t contain as much (if any) sugar, you’re wrong again.

The acidity in these drinks is also bad for the enamel on your teeth and can do more than just stain them. If you are going for something healthy to drink, consider water, milk (in moderation), and teas with no sugar.

Myth #4: Oral health doesn’t impact your overall health.

Yes, it actually does. In fact, there are many studies that have proven that poor oral health can lead to other issues such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and even death. It may seem strange, but the bacteria in your mouth can get into your bloodstream with poor oral health care, and this can cause other issues to the rest of your body.

If you are not taking proper care of your teeth, you may not only want to change that habit but also visit your regular doctor to see if it’s had any underlying issues on the rest of your body.

Myth #5: Cosmetic dentistry is expensive.

Yes, the cost of cosmetic dentistry could be expensive without the right insurance and discounts, but it’s not always expensive, like these Beverly Hills Dental Implants. In fact, sometimes cosmetic dentistry is a necessity in order to curb any other issues from arising.

If your dentist says you need cosmetic dentistry, have a conversation with them about the cost. In addition, be sure to talk with your dental insurance provider too, and see what is covered and what isn’t. Knowing all this and taking advantage of discounts upfront could be a big help to your wallet.

Myth #6: Teeth always get worse as you age.

While you may associate dentures with the elderly, it’s not a requirement. In fact, there are people in their 20s and 30s who have dentures, and there are people in their 80s and 90s who don’t.

Your oral healthcare practices will impact your teeth as you age, and so will your genetics. If you have a family history of poor oral health, then chances are your teeth could start to deteriorate as you get older.

However, if you take proper care of your teeth and your family history is pretty clear, then you could end up with your natural smile for the rest of your life.

Your dental health is very important, and knowing how to take care of your teeth means knowing the truth from the myths.