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Support National Health Observance Days



We’ve all heard of the Great American Smoke-Out that happens in November, and you’re probably aware there’s a World AIDS Day, though you may not know it happens in December.  There are many of these types of days of observance throughout the year, which are designed to educate and inform the public about various health and safety issues that could affect them.  The easiest way to inform and engage adults about these health issues is to incorporate observing the national days in your employee wellness programs.  For children’s health issues, adults can talk to their kids at home, work health days into the school curriculum, or even work them into scouts or other after-school activities.

National Health Observances

There are numerous National Health Observances that are relevant to many people.  If they haven’t had personal experience, chances are good that they know someone who has been affected by one of these health issues.  Throughout the year, there are many days set aside for awareness of specific types of cancer, such as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and Ovarian Cancer Month, which are both in September, and National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.  There are also days set aside for health issues specific to men or women, like Cervical Health Awareness Month in January and Men’s Health Week in June.

Safety Awareness Matters

National Health Observances aren’t set aside only for specific diseases or health issues.  Many safety concerns also have their own days, such as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month as well as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month in April. National Hurricane Preparedness Week occurs in May and October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  There are also days for health concerns that impact everyone universally, such as National Sleep Awareness Week in March and National Public Health Week in April.

There are also many days dedicated to health issues that affect more specific audiences.  For those looking to incorporate health days into a school curriculum or after-school activity, there are several days set aside for children’s health issues.  For example, in March, there is National Youth Violence Prevention Week.  There is also National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, as well as National Bullying Prevention Month in October, and the American Dental Association sponsors Give Kids a Smile Day in February.  If you’re looking to incorporate days into employee wellness programs, there are even some geared specifically toward the workplace, such as Workplace Eye Wellness Month in March, May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, and Drive Safely to Work Week happens in October.  Whatever your audience, you’re sure to find a day to work into wellness programs that will benefit many.