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Dietary World Cuisine



When we gain weight our first thoughts most likely are the usual “diet and exercise”, however, there are other ways where one can avoid excessive dieting and evenings spent sweating at the gym. Simply changing your food habits can make a big difference in your body and weight loss. The key point in losing weight this way is jump-starting your metabolism by eating smaller portions more often.

This is of course highly subjective since every man and woman on this planet have different metabolic rates and while some struggle with weight loss others eat away and barely gain any weight as a result. It’s unfair of course, but this is how human biology works in the end. We have covered some of the most useful food items you can find out there, their benefits, and dangers connected to their over-exploitation.

1. Fish
We all know fish has a lot of useful minerals hidden in its yummy meat and its also rich in protein and its overall health benefits are something you must have in your diet if you want to avoid other meat. The sad part about fish is the fact that overfishing has significantly reduced the places where we’ll be able to obtain healthy, uncontaminated saltwater fish that wasn’t grown commercially. Avoid buying fish grown in such conditions since sometimes it may have been fed with genetically-modified food or even pesticides depending on where you live.

2. Kelp
In most countries that have a thriving seafood-eating community, kelp has been a part of the local diet. It is rich in potassium and other substances such as iodine, protein, and magnesium among other minerals. Most of the kelp being harvested around the world can be obtained in a way that has little impact on the natural world, however human lust for consumption has driver farmers across the world to produce genetically-modified kelp which is capable of contaminating the world supply. A lot of times there is also the risk of consuming kelp harvested from areas polluted with heavy metals so you must always aim to consume local kelp instead of the one shipped from overseas as you’ll run a lesser risk at consuming contaminants.

3. Mushrooms
You could consider them the meat of the vegans unless you’re prone to consuming soy-based products. Mushrooms contain lots of protein and iron which are very good for you. In the East, they have been known as extremely beneficial to your health for many centuries. Nowadays they are most often grown in controlled conditions for optimum efficiency of production which unfortunately leads to problems such as pesticide contamination in some cases, so make sure you buy mushrooms from sources you know have been grown in the right conditions – find organic mushrooms.

4. Wild berries
These are naturally found in the wild and they contain much higher levels of antioxidants and other beneficial substances compared to their domestically-grown counterparts. Blueberries for example are known to help treat inflammation and insulin sensitivity. Huckleberries, mulberries, wild strawberries and raspberries can be found in some locations during spring and summer and also in some stores across the world.

5. Honey
Known for its antiseptic and immunostimulating qualities and among other things it can also rich in antioxidants. It is known to have anti-carcinogenic qualities as well – the best way to obtain it is through local farmers since most of the honey sold in stores that are mass-produced gets heavily filtered and the pollen inside is usually almost non-existent.